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Input files for simulating a 2D TE mode propagation in a metal layer.

The materials Metal (n=0.7775+4.75j, Lorentz model) and Substrate (n=1.707)
are defined in the "material.input" file.

The structure setup in "geometry-sine.input" consists of a sine-modulated
50nm thick layer of material Metal,
that runs along the z-axis. The first AddCube entry in the geometry file
"geometry-sine.input" fills the entire computational domain with material
Substrate. The next entry, AddSinLayer, sets up the conformal
sine layer that runs along the entire length of z-axis. The next 2 AddCube
entries erase lower 0.5um portion of the sine layer, and replace it with
0.5um long straight-layer section (for the purpose of source excitation in
this straight section). The last AddCube entry adds the region of Air

The "geometry-sine-thick.input" file is similar, but uses two AddSinLayer
entries, offset from each other by 20nm in z, to create a more uniform sine
layer (structure-sine-thick.pdf).

The "geometry-straight.input" file sets up a straigth metal layer in the
Substrate medium.

The "parameters.input" file specifies file TEplasmon.source as a 2D input
source, excited at z=-1.7um. The program reads this file, and interpolates
data to the computational grid. The interpolated data is written into
files with the same name as the source file, with .interpN added
(e.g. TEplasmon.source.interp0),
where N is the rank of the processor that writes the file. The format of
this file is the same as for the source file (see the manual), with an
additional last column of data representing the material enumeration index
(described in the manual under option Material index:).


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